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We help provide food to the hungry in association with the Southwest Florida Food Pantry.
We have established community partnerships with organizations such as the Gulf Coast Symphony.
We serve social justice by holding our local leaders accountable for their actions in our community...
...coming together with people of other faith communities in our search for justice.


We are an active, hands on community, providing a great many opportunities for personal growth, community involvement, and personal enrichment.

ENGAGE:  Membership with Engagement

We are benefiting from the vision and generosity of our founders with our many spiritual, social justice, religious education, and outreach programs as well as our unique 14-acre campus and Holton Eco-Preserve grounds.  Our varied programs and campus are tremendous assets for our congregation and the community. We have a challenging responsibility to maintain our diverse programs and welcoming campus in the same or better condition than what our parent's generation afforded us.  To do so we need member engagement in the form of financial and volunteer contributions.

The Space

UUCFM is a place with space for you. The space is an opportunity for you to become more of what you want to be. Here you will be surrounded by people like you who find life a challenge but also like you don't always know how to take advantage of the opportunities in that challenge.

Many of us bring to today's opportunities the baggage off yesterdays fears and disappointments. Many of us have untried skills and strengths which are garaged in murky self images that were formed when we were not nearly as experienced and competent. Sometimes the drive for security cloaks the possible. Our routinized lives distract us from exploring.

Wondering out loud is drowned out in responding to others needs and expectations. Responsible adult behavior requires us to maintain our parental and caregiver commitments. But sometimes fulfilling other expectations keeps us from exploring,the possible, but untested aspirations of our own spirit.

This is a spiritual place. Not necessarily because it is designated a religious place, No it is a spiritual place because you bring your spirit here to share with us and enrich our spirits..This place is a space for spiritual communication. This spiritual communication looks like hearing from each other in worship. It looks like weeding and mowing together. It looks like not talking so shyer persons have more opportunity to be heard and listen to their own thinking. It looks like rummage sale participation where people get rid of the familiar so they have room for the new. It is interesting to note that the rummage sales are an apt metaphor for our mission. We are trying to help each other let go of the old so we have room for the new.

This is the place to take those fearful steps into the possible. This is the place to discover for yourselves what other people once expected you to be. In this space we are working on ourselves, but part of that commitment is to be available to you and to listen for those intimate wonderings about the possible you.

The space in this place is yours.

 — Don Ehat Oct 2013

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Nancy Letts
"As a UU, my life underwent many changes. I found and nourished a deep connection to something greater than myself that I call Spirit, or Creator. I’m a grateful UU still committed to finding deeper meaning in my life and to acting on these expanding beliefs in ways that help myself and others."

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Bill Petrarca
"Having an open and loving community is important to me. Our faith is way ahead of its time, with the values we honor: Love, grow, serve."