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We help provide food to the hungry in association with the Southwest Florida Food Pantry.
We have established community partnerships with organizations such as the Gulf Coast Symphony.
We serve social justice by holding our local leaders accountable for their actions in our community...
...coming together with people of other faith communities in our search for justice.

Pastoral Care (CARE Network)

The mission of the Caring Network is to provide a ministry of hope and caring so that no member of our congregation need be alone. The Caring Network is a catalyst for finding new ways to promote caring and to support the many expressions of caring that already exist within our congregation. We offer a variety of caring minis-tries within the Caring Network’s circle of serving as described below.

Pastoral Care Associates (PCAs)

The team are members of the congregation who have received pastoral care training and security clearance. The PCA Mission is to provide a ministry of hope and caring connections and to offer a compassionate presence when an individual may be struggling, alone or in pain.

Comfort Shawl & Quilt Ministry

Members create a shawl or lap quilt infused with caring, healing intentions for those in need of spiritual, emotional and physical support.

Prayer & Loving Intentions Ministry

Members will pray or send loving intentions for those in emotional, physical or spiritual need.

Joys & Sorrows Ministry

When made aware of a joy, sorrow or milestone in the lives of our members, a card may be sent. If requested by the person involved, the congregation will be made aware at Sunday Worship Service during "Stones of Intention."

Homes for the Holidays

Members who have no place special to go for Thanksgiving and Christmas will be matched with those who have an extra place at their table.

Memorial & Funeral Receptions

For those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, a reception following services at our congregation can be offered based on your wishes.

Minister’s Discretionary Fund

Assistance is available to members who suffer financial set-backs on a case-by-case basis. The fund is disbursed at the discretion of the Minister.

If you want to become involved with any of the caring ministries listed here or if you would like to start a new caring ministry, contact the Caring Network Coordinator.

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Jennifer Grant
“I loved the people who were very warm and welcoming. During my first service the lay leader mentioned the Unitarian Universalist principles and he talked about the first one – The Inherent Worth and Dignity of all People! I knew I was home!”

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Nancy Letts
"As a UU, my life underwent many changes. I found and nourished a deep connection to something greater than myself that I call Spirit, or Creator. I’m a grateful UU still committed to finding deeper meaning in my life and to acting on these expanding beliefs in ways that help myself and others."